MIDAS Ireland Meeting – UCC – hosted by Qualcomm

Date & Time
May 9th, 2018 10:00am - February 7th, 2025 11:45am

Booking Link

Boole 2, Main Campus, University College Cork - UCC - Cork


In Association With

MIDAS Members -
Non Members -

The Theme for this meeting is:-“The Future of Security”

The Future of Security Seminar will take place on Wednesday 9th May 2018 in The Boole 2 Lecture Theatre, UCC.


MIDAS, in conjunction with Qualcomm are proud to create the first “The Future of Security” Seminar in Cork, Ireland. The Seminar will focus on how we can protect ourselves, customers, employees and citizens, concentrating on the security for our needs, not just security for devices.

The “Future of Security” Seminar looks to address key issues ensuring everyone have the tools and knowledge to keep their data secure.
• Current Level of Security Protection and what is happening today
• Identify the tough problems with Security today
• How the attackers are organized and their goals.
• How our industry/companies fit into fighting the war.
• How to change the rules and push changes for new security
• How to create a Complete Security ECO System solution: Platform, server, IOT, Mobile, SW
The day will consist of speakers from Industry, Academia and Government.
Hear from Qualcomm and NXP exploring security at the Hardware and Software levels of these pioneering organisations. Followed by guest speakers from University College Cork and University of Dundee and the IDA where they’ll delve into the hottest topics in Security and discuss the future of Security in the advanced data ecosystems.

We want this seminar to be as engaging as possible and will encourage Q&A through our panel session and networking lunch.

There is an option of a bus transfer after the event to the locally acclaimed Franciscan Well Brewery
For further information, please email Siobhan Walsh, MIDAS at siobhan.walsh@midasireland.ie

Click here for directions/parking

