Advanced Analog Layout Techniques – IC Mask, Tutor: Ciaran Whyte, 2 days

Date & Time
August 21st, 2018 9:00am - February 7th, 2025 12:10pm

Booking Link

To be confirmed. - Limerick - TBC

MIDAS Electronic Systems Skillnet - http://www.midasireland.com/

In Association With
MIDAS Electronic Systems Skillnet

MIDAS Members -
Non Members -

Advanced Analog Layout course

21& 22 August 2018

Tutor: Ciaran Whyte, ICMask Location: Limerick

The Advanced Analog Layout course aims to further develop the physical design skills of the analog layout engineer, by covering the techniques necessary to produce high quality, well matched and noise tolerant layouts of challenging designs on both CMOS and BiCMOS processes.

COURSE PRE-REQUISITE: Prior experience of analog layout on a CMOS process
• Layout of complex analog circuits
• Matching and noise tolerant analog layout techniques
• Schematic structure recognition and physical implementation

• Matching methodologies
o Unit fingers, interleaving, common centroid, dummy insertion
• Analog building blocks
o Schematic structure recognition and physical implementation of:
o Current mirrors, differential amplifiers, voltage references
• Parasitics
o Resistance and capacitance of interconnect
• Shielding
o Methodologies for shielding devices and interconnect from noise sources
• Substrate & Wells
o Substrate model
o Noise isolation techniques
o Latch-up
• Bipolar considerations
o Layout considerations for bipolar and BiCMOS circuits
• Supply considerations in analog designs
o Isolation
o IR drop
o Electromigration

Course Delivery:  Lecture based
