ARM Cortex-M7 SoC Design

Start date: 24 January 2022

Duration: 5 days x 6 hours/day: 24 - 28 Jan: 9am - 3pm each day

Location: Online course

Certificate: N/A

Cost: Members € 800; Non-members € 1200

Course code: N/A

Programme overview

This technical class provides the required knowledge to support the hardware and firmware development of System on Chips based on the Arm Cortex-M7 micro-controller.
It is delivered as an interactive remote learning course with a maximum of 12 participants to maintain high quality training.
If you would like this course to be rerun, please use the link below to email a request to that effect, since the Skillnet's training schedule is directed by such training requests.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this class the students will have an in-depth knowledge of the Cortex-M7 programmer’s model including exception handling, memory management and micro-architectural details. In addition the students will acquire the knowledge related to integration tasks such as the processor’s interfaces and bus protocols such as AXI, AHB, and APB.

Who is the course for?

This class will benefit ASIC design engineers as well as verification engineers who want to be able to integrate and develop test programs to validate the SoC logic surrounding the Arm Cortex-M7 macro-cell.


• Cortex-M7 Overview
Block diagram • Architectural features • Instruction set • Programmer’s model • Memory map • Memory interfaces • Caches • Exception handing • Memory protection • Power management • Implementation options
• ARMv7-M Programmers’ Model
Data types • Core registers • Modes, privileges and stack • Exceptions • Instruction set overview
• ARMv7-M Assembly Programming
Data processing instructions • Load/Store instructions • Flow control • Miscellaneous instructions
• Cortex-M7 Processor
Processor Pipeline • Execution Pipelines • Prefetch Unit • Memory-mapped Registers
• Introduction to AMBA Protocols
• Cortex-M7 L1 Sub-Systems
Caches • Tightly coupled memory (TCM) • System considerations

• ARMv7-M Exception Handling
Exception Model • Interrupts • Writing the vector table and interrupt handlers • Internal exceptions and RTOS support • Fault exception
• The SysTick Timer
Programmer’s Interface • Configuration Options
• ARMv7-M Memory Model
Memory address space • Memory types and attributes • Alignment and endianness • Barriers
• ARMv7-M Memory Protection Unit
Memory protection overview • Regions overview • Regions overlapping • Setting up the MPU
• ARMv7-M Debug
Coresight and debug access port DAP • Debug event and reset • Flash patch and breakpoint unit (FPB) • Data watch point and trace unit (DWT) • Instrumentation trace macrocell (ITM) • Embedded trace macrocell (ETM) • Trace port interface unit (TPIU) • Implementation details
• ARMv7-M Extensions
DSP • Floating Point

Trainer Profile

Dr. David Cabanis  is a principal engineer at Doulos, he is an Arm expert and holds both the Arm Accredited Application Engineer and Arm Accredited Micro-controller Engineer certifications. He started his career in microelectronics at IBM in the UK and since then he has been a freelance consultant as part of Cadence ASIC design and verification team for 11 years. Having joined Doulos in 2009, David specialises in Arm training as well as system level modelling with SystemC/TLM and hardware design and verification with VHDL/SystemVerilog.

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